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Live With Honor - Whatever It Takes - Until The Last Day

Shawn and Rebecca Knight are seventh degree black belts and senior professors in the lineage of Sigung Stephen LaBounty. They have over 55 combined years in (and more importantly at) the art of Kenpo Karate. Alongside their top-notch staff, they serve their students, whom they proudly call their “Kenpo Family”.

The Knight's unique way of teaching their students self defense and delivering personal empowerment is called Knight Method Kenpo. They are proudly committed to maintaining the integrity and legacy of the art in the Lineage of Sigung Stephen LaBounty. That makes their students members of the LaBounty-Knight Kenpo Lineage.


This extraordinary lineage also has the privilege and honor to be guided and mentored by Knight Method Kenpo's Masters Council consisting of the following members: Bob White RIP (basics coach), John Sepulveda (techniques coach), Lee Wedlake (forms coach). 

We encourage each student to travel the path of self-discovery as he or she internalizes the concepts, theories and principles taught at Knight Method Kenpo.


Begin your Kenpo Journey today! 

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The System Is The Solution

We teach a comprehensive system of modern self-defense and physical fitness. We offer programs appropriate for martial arts students of all ages and all fitness levels, designed to improve coordination, strength and flexibility. We have offered both private and group instruction in Tucson Arizona for over 20 years. We have served the community with physical eduction programs, after school programs, and college courses. In addition, we also host and are available for seminars, workshops and international training camps.

LAWS of the Scholar & Warrior

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To bring balance to the physical lessons, we also teach a character development program called the LAWS of the Scholar & Warrior. Echoing the lessons of our mentor Lee A. W. Sprague. The program instills the values of truth, bravery, courtesy, compassion, sincerity, discernment and loyalty. Thus giving us faith that our students will not use the art improperly. Striving to always be protectors and to live with honor, whatever it takes - until the last day! 

Knight Method Kenpo Class - Schedule

Kenpo Kids (4-6 year olds) 

Tuesday 4:30pm

Wednesday 4:30pm

Thursday 4:30pm

Saturday 9:00am

Kenpo Juniors (7-14 year olds)

Tuesday 5:30pm

Wednesday 5:30pm

Thursday 5:30pm

Saturday 10:00am

Junior Sparring (7-14 year olds)

Friday 5:30pm

Kenpo Seniors (15-50 year olds)

Tuesday 7:00pm

Wednesday 7:00m 

Thursday 7:00pm

Saturday 11:30am

Senior Sparring (15+ year olds)

Friday 6:15pm

Kenpo 50+ Seniors (50 years and up)

Friday 7:00pm

Personal Instruction Sessions Available Tuesday - Saturday by Appointment!

Contact or stop by the school and see for yourself! Kenpo Karate is a great system and the values and benefits of training will become obvious from your very first class. We look forward to training with you on your martial arts journey.

Eastside     Tucson     Arizona     USA
160 S. Kolb Rd.     Tucson, AZ 85710
(520) 296-8484

Sigung Stephen LaBounty Testimonial

I wish it to be known by all that I have had the good fortune to asked by Shawn Knight and Rebecca Knight to be teacher and guide in their martial journey. This was a decision that took some hard questions to be asked of myself, i.e. How do they move really? Are they performers, actors looking for a Senior Kenpoist to add his name as a figure head to give them some credentials as authentic? Do they wish to entertain me with flattering and ego building statements, trips, awards, etc? All serious and inclusive thoughts of genuineness and honor. Both of these fine people, foreseeing and quite expecting these misgivings, made sure that they "proved" themselves as truly genuine.


They brought me in, allowed me to teach their cadre of advanced belts, took private lessons, updated their required forms for inclusion in their curriculum, and most of all, befriended their soon to be extended family of the LaBounty lineage. Completing every task given to them, working to stay sharp with Kenpo, even through injury, participating in lively and up close and personal training sessions, they never wavered in their desire to continue to learn as they say, "Until the last day”. 


It is therefore, my acceptance of them both as my personal public and private students. I also accept their students and schools as part of my ongoing lineage, and give these two personal students permission to teach all and everything that I teach them, with the understanding that with this lineage they show the true calling of a Kenpo Black Belt of their rank. As the Senior Belt, I insist on Shawn Knight, to guide and keep the high standards of the Rough and Tumble application of this system while teaching the principles and concepts as set down by our Senior Grand Master with all due diligence and honor.  


Stephen LaBounty

10th Degree Black Belt - Senior Master of the Arts

Whatever It Takes - Until The Last Day

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